
California Individual Mandate

California residents must have minimum essential coverage and employers must file coverage information with the state. Our California Filing Services can help. 

California Individual Mandate

The California Minimum Essential Coverage Individual Mandate requires California residents to maintain minimum essential coverage or pay a penalty.

The law also introduces annual ACA-like reporting requirements for "applicable entities" that provide minimum essential coverage to an individual during a calendar year. Applicable entities include:

  • Health insurance issuers and carriers must file for most health insurance coverage, including individual market coverage and insured coverage sponsored by employers.
  • Employers must file to report employment-based minimum essential coverage for employees except when health insurance issuers and carriers file on the employers’ behalf. That means employers with self-funded plans must file.
  • Government entities providing minimum essential coverage under a state program such as Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicaid, Medicare, or Medi-Cal must file to report coverage.
  • Other providers of minimum essential coverage must also file to report coverage.

All applicable entities have the option to contract with third-party service providers like UnifyHR to provide the returns and statements required by the law.

If you need to file information returns for California, we can help!

With UnifyHR, you get everything you need to meet your requirements, including:

  • Creation and electronic filing of information returns per CA Rev. and Tax. Code §61005
  • Designated client manager and IT support
  • Management reports
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